Contaminant Fate and Transport

Project Summaries and Publications
Selected Project Summaries:
- Deep Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Investigation
- Groundwater Modeling, NASA RCRA Corrective Action Site
- Vadose Zone and Groundwater Modeling, Oil and Gas Sites
- Aquifer Reclamation System Design
- Groundwater Model for Remedial Design, GE Aircraft Plant
- Vadose Zone Modeling and Timing Analysis
Selected Publications:
- Chemical Fingerprinting: A Useful Tool For Source Identification, Differentiation and Remedial Cost Allocation
- Rapid and Cost Effective Characterization of Deep Groundwater Contamination, Soil and Groundwater Cleanup
- Negotiating and Implementing RCRA 3008(h) Orders
- Benzene Vapor Transport Measurement and Modeling To Evaluate Remedial System Performance & Predict Potential Exposure To VOCs In Ambient Air
- Chemical Fingerprinting: Narrowing Down the List of Contaminant Sources
- Chemical Fingerprinting
- Underground Storage Tanks and Corrective Action